Wednesday, 12 May 2010

"Happy Go Lucky Fabrics" have landed

Well it is one of the busiest weeks of the year. Seven days before Chelsea, Surtex in New York before that then the Licensing show in LA. So thank you to Helen for getting the parcel off today to Julie Newman my new american agent. I'm sure she will have a great show. Julie we will be there with you in spirit!

 So every day I'm finishing off paintings  and delivering and picking up from the framer. It's so great to see things finished after months of gazing at them trying to work out what to do with them . Some paintings never get finished others get painted over in disgust! The Painting above is called Swan Lake and is a very large pastel and will be one of the centre pieces at Chelsea.

 But the exciting news is that the sample meters of my first fabric collection ' Happy Go Lucky have arrived ( small scream of delight!). I am so pleased with them can't wait to make them up into all sorts of things just need some time.

This is the Blue colourway.

Well it seems we have a Prime Minister today after much drama. Hopefully election fever will pass and my friend Elaine will get on with running the country from be hind the scenes!

Naturally I have to also pass comment on Dr Who as it is a family tradition watching it on a saturday . I'm still not sure about Matt Smith I have to hold my hand up. Which is not a popular opinion in our house, given that Mark my husband writes Dr Who books. But hey I have to be honest, as he is with my paintings sometimes, when asked to give his opinion. Naturally being sensitive and artistic, something of a potent combination, it's never good when you show someone your work and they point out exactly the thing that you hoped no one else would notice but that inside has been niggling you like that label with the irritating edge, in your new jumper.

We have also finally arrived at doing GCSE'S with my son. I hear all you parents out there with kids of a similar age groan and hang their heads. After trying too many times to express why 20 mins a night for revision is really not going to make a whole lot of difference. I have come to the conclusion that what will be will be and that there is little point wasting energy on breath that only makes everyone else including Mark and I, grumpy!

By writing this I am also spectacularly avoiding doing the plan for my stand at Chelsea , which involves sadly doing a scale model of the stand. Terribly organised I know but actually it has been the most helpful tip given to me  by my very good friend Rebecca de Mendonca, as it has saved us hours of work and holding very large pictures up and down and up again until everyone would probably just like to just go home. So think of me and my little dolls house ...which I really must do have a good evening.

Oh one last thing. I will be sending a diary of where I will be for the rest of the year and FREE TICKETS to the Ripley , Grand Sale Show 10th -13th June,  next week. So let me know if you don't get your copy. Have a great evening!